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Classroom Furnitures

#90DayTo1K Scholarship

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I. Application Requirements/Materials:

To apply for the Bridging the Gap scholarship, applicants must be at least 18 years of age and have a high school diploma or equivalent.

Scholarship applicants must also provide language proficiency in English and the language they plan to interpret for. Applicants who are not able to provide proof of language proficiency in one of their languages can request a language assessment to be scheduled by InterSys, LLC. If an applicant is awarded the scholarship and does not have proof of language proficiency or does not pass their proficiency test, InterSys reserves the right to withdraw the scholarship awarded to that individual.

Proof of proficiency can be copies of any one of the following documents: High school diploma or equivalent, or university/college degree from a school using the assessed language(s); 5 or more years of verified professional experience working in the language(s) being assessed; State or federal court interpreter certification; Oral language exam results with scores equivalent to ACTFL Advanced Mid-level or ILR Level 2.

You will be prompted to submit the following materials in this application:

  1. A completed scholarship application

  2. An updated copy of your resume 

  3. A 500-1000 word essay (details provided in section VI)

  4. Proof of high school graduation or college/university graduation

  5. Proof of language proficiency in English

  6. Proof of language proficiency in the language you interpret

II. Personal Data:

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III. Education: 
IV. Current Employment:
V. Proof of Education & Language Proficiency:
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V. Proof of Education & Language Proficiency:
  • Along with this application form, please submit a 3-5 min video (720p format) describing why you are applying for this scholarship and how you plan to benefit the community if you receive it. Please answer the following questions in your video:

1.    What languages are you proficient in?

2.    What are the needs of the people who speak those languages in your community, particularly the needs regarding access to quality health care?

3.    How will this scholarship and taking the Bridging the Gap medical interpreter training help address language access barriers to health care in your community?

4.    What work have you done in your community to support underrepresented or disadvantaged populations? If you have done any work in health care or by working directly with patients, please highlight those efforts (this can be volunteer related or through your place of work).

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VII. Disclaimer & Applicant's E-Signature
  • I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

If this application leads to receipt of this scholarship, I understand that false or misleading information in my application may result in the rejection of my application for the Bridging the Gap scholarship.

I have read and understand the application requirements, deadlines, and course dates available for this scholarship. 

Thanks for registering to our event. See you there!

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